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Luke White​

Age: 17

Personality:  ​​Luke is dark and foreboding. He rarely talks unless he sees it necessary. Luke is like a cat. He acts like one, lives like one and has the agility and grace of one. Luke prefers to stay in the darkness and the shadows rather than in the light. He has expelled all fear from his heart by making himself go through pain and torment caused by his own powers bit by bit, day by day. He has no regards for his own life. He puts himself in life threatening situation with no care whether he dies or not. He is usually seen as lazy. he is nonchalance and disdainful towards anything and everything. He has a thirst for money yet he never spends the money on a house or on food. He takes great pride in buying the best of the best of weapons. He would rather go to the best sword smith than have a meal for the rest of the year. He is cold and thinks emotions are a nuisance. The only things he cares about is money and his weapons and poisons. He never forms relationships with anyone because he sees no point in it.

power: Control and manipulation of shadows.

Looks: his eyes are like black holes. they suck information and everything in and let nothing out. He has short black hair.

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